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contoh kalimat in place of

"in place of" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The underscore character is used in place of spaces.
    Karakter garis bawah dipakai untuk menggantikan spasi.
  • You should be able to do in place of her.
    Kamu seharusnya bisa menggantikan dia.
  • And now I find sugar in place of drugs.
    Dan sekarang saya dapati gula yang seharusnya narkoba.
  • "You reside in my eyes in place of kohl."
    "Kau berada di mata ku di tempat kohl."
  • Do you know... what I used in place of it?
    Apakah kamu tahu... apa yang saya gunakan
  • We prefer to research in place of action.
    Kami lebih memilih penelitian di tempat kejadian.
  • Keep these dummy papers in place of the original papers.
    Simpan kertas dummy ini menggantikan kertas asli.
  • I'm here to help out in place of Mr Takahashi.
    Aku pengganti "Pak Takahashi".
  • Why did you die in place of me?
    Kenapa kau mesti mati demi aku?
  • This will serve in place of your PT in-test.
    lni akan menentukan nilai kalian di tes fisik ini.
  • And fill water in it in place of petrol.
    Dan diisi air di dalamnya.
  • Someone has filled it with water in place of petrol.
    Seseorang telah diisi dengan air di tempat bensin.
  • You have to lead the people in place of your mother.
    Anda harus memimpin mereka untuk menggantikan ibumu.
  • I name you King of Nordland, in place of Wolfred.
    Kuberi kau gelar, Raja dari Nordland, menggantikan Wolfred.
  • In place of falling a hero, you chose to flee.
    Saat kehadiran pahlawan dibutuhkan, kau malah melarikan diri.
  • There you go again, Anslo, using a pistol in place of a brain.
    Anslo. Pakai pistol ketimbang otak.
  • It's my father, I came in place of him.
    Itu ayahku, aku datang menggantikannya.
  • I sent my sister in place of his.
    Aku mengirim adikku ke tempat itu.
  • So I fought with that pain in place of you.
    Jadi aku bertarung dengan rasa sakit itu menggantikanmu.
  • One member of that team sent his sister in place of another.
    Salah satu anggota tim mengirim adiknya kemari.
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